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(Inglés) Visas para nómadas digitales atraen a los trabajadores al extranjero

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Registrado: Mié Mar 02, 2022 5:42 am

(Inglés) Visas para nómadas digitales atraen a los trabajadores al extranjero

Mensaje por Fermat »

The digital nomad visas luring workers overseas
By Mark Johanson, 11th July 2022

Picture Dubai: you might think of flashy skyscrapers, man-made islands and labyrinthine shopping malls. But if the local government gets its way, the emirate will also soon become known as a kind of strategic hub between Europe and Asia, where thousands of remote workers plant tentative roots.

In a bid to attract new talent to the region, in March 2021, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) unveiled a one-year residency permit for remote workers. The visa lets foreign professionals like Julien Tremblay, a 31-year-old software engineer from Montréal, live in Dubai while continuing to work for employers abroad. It also grants newcomers access to a resident ID card and most public services. Tremblay, for example, can legally rent accommodation or even open a bank account – all while being exempt from paying any local income tax.

“When I started being a digital nomad [five-and-a-half years ago], there were very few visa options,” explains Tremblay, who says possibilities like the one in the UAE are a game-changer. “It moves you out of the grey zone, and allows you to be fully compliant in the place you’re staying. If you have the intention of becoming a non-resident of your home country, it’s also much easier to prove that you’ve left and become an expat.”

Previously, digital nomads often lived in a legal limbo. They weren’t technically allowed to work in a foreign country, but they weren’t employed locally either. New digital nomad visas create a sturdier foundation, spelling out a legal framework that gives both remote workers and the businesses that employ them more peace of mind. Yet, the visas are not viewed as some loophole to evade taxes; most nomads still pay them in their home countries to maintain citizenship or receive public health benefits.

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Última edición por Fermat el Mié Jul 20, 2022 7:57 am, editado 1 vez en total.
Mensajes: 1837
Registrado: Mié Mar 02, 2022 5:42 am

Re: (Inglés) Visas para nómadas digitales atraen a los trabajadores al extranjero

Mensaje por Fermat »

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Costa Rica: Digital nomads can now apply to work remotely from this tropical paradise
The new digital visa allows you to work from this naturally beautiful country for one year
Jack Pole: 19/07/2022 - 17:16

If you’ve always dreamed of living in one of the most beautiful countries in the world, now’s your chance. Applications for Costa Rica’s digital nomad programme have just opened.

The digital nomad visa was signed into law last August by president Carlos Alvardo. It was expected that details would be released soon after that.

But, after an unexpected delay, it has taken until 4 July this year to finalise the rules.

Costa Rica is a top destination for solo travellers right now, with a quarter of its territory covered by tropical jungle. Now applications have opened allowing tourists to spend longer in the country and work remotely in these beautiful natural surroundings.

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