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(Inglés) Que tan mal se va a poner la crisis global de alimentos

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Registrado: Mié Mar 02, 2022 5:42 am

(Inglés) Que tan mal se va a poner la crisis global de alimentos

Mensaje por Fermat »

How bad will the global food crisis get?
Food commodity prices are falling but experts say global production and hunger rates might be even worse in 2023

Chelsea Bruce-Lockhart and Emiko Terazono, Financial Times, London, 27-07-2022

Has the high price of food passed a peak? Even before the UN-brokered grain deal between Kyiv and Moscow gave the green light last week for shipments to leave Ukraine’s Black Sea ports, food commodity prices had been plummeting. Fears of recession, a bumper harvest in Russia and hopes of revived grain trade flows have pushed prices lower.

But the price declines do not mean the food crisis is over. Analysts say the underlying factors that drove markets higher are unchanged. The ongoing war is only one of a multitude of problems that could sustain higher hunger rates for many years to come.

The Ukraine conflict came at a time when food prices were already being pushed upwards by a range of factors — mainly droughts affecting key crop-producing countries and supply chains dealing with the residual effects of the pandemic. In poorer countries whose economies have been left in tatters by Covid-19 lockdowns, the war only exacerbated a grim situation.

“What sets this global food crisis apart from previous similar situations is that there are multiple major causes behind it,” says Cary Fowler, US special envoy for food security.

The true impact of this combination of factors will only become apparent next year, analysts say. “I’m more worried about 2023 than 2022,” says one.

Storm clouds on the horizon
The war has undoubtedly been a big drag on global food production. With Ukraine’s ports blockaded and capacity on alternative routes limited, export volumes are significantly down. In June, the country exported just under 1mn tonnes of wheat, corn and barley — 40 per cent lower than the same month in 2021, according to Ukraine’s agriculture ministry.

Ukraine’s harvest started this month and growers are scrambling for storage for the new crop. But if farmers cannot sell their grains, it will have a knock-on effect into 2023 because they will not have funds to pay for seeds and fertiliser for the next season. They may not even have a crop, warns an international food policy official.

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Última edición por Fermat el Vie Jul 29, 2022 8:23 am, editado 1 vez en total.
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gines a
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Registrado: Jue Feb 10, 2022 11:07 am

Re: (inglés) Que tan mal se va a poner la crisis global de alimentos

Mensaje por gines a »

Hasta ahora solo ha habido incremento en precios, pero no escasez mundial de alimentos.

Como pasa en todos los conflictos, habran reajustes. Paises como Brasil que produce cana de azucar, sorgo, maiz, etc. y lo produce en exceso, cambiaran a trigo para buscar ganancias en esos mercados que quedaron abandonados gracias a Putin, y el mercado se equilibrara.
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